- When an autobiography becomes interesting?
- How to get rid of the self-embedded, self-indulgent egotistic character of some autobiographical work?
- If I want my project to have some sort of ethical awareness, how do I do it? Could this be solved in the way I display my work?
- Is the narrative lineal or non-lineal? Depending on this, is it going to be chronologically ordered or by subject?
- Do I want to recount a process or just random memories?
- How is the imagery, how does it work with the content, how is related?
- My Decision-Maker is a good example of finding ways of playing with the title, and even though is a catalogue, is important to give the audience another idea. So maybe is about balancing the right amount of catalogue/text/poetry.

Decision-Maker Abridged Version 1.0
Pamphlet book or device created to help people make decisions.
I created a sort of system that tries to consider the unlimited aspects that have to be kept in mind when taking decisions in life. By representing mains aspects with a chosen colour, I wanted to show the infinite possibilities and combinations that might result by mixing them, just as in life we attempt to embrace all the relevant fields that might be affected along the decision-making process.
Printed paper
15 x 10 cm

- Is it an archive for me or for everyone?
- In the beginning my reflective journal was like a diary and it became too personal. All the clues where there but it was too self-indulgent. I feel like my new reflective journal works very well in the way that helps me organize all the mess in my mind and brings coherence to what I called the prime material of my work.
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